Author: Leesa Wyzard (Page 2 of 2)

Baby Quilts

I used to hear how “easy” baby quilts were because they were smaller! Ha! But if you pay close attention to detail, you I agonize to make sure every little detail is perfect!

Here are some baby quilts I’ve made

T-Shirt Quilts

When I first started out, I was making Log Cabin quilts for my kids.  And as usual, our middle child did not conform to the norm.  I should have named her Norm, but instead, we named her Aud, which has proven very . . . . .  appropriate.

Anywho, she wanted me to make her a t-shirt quilt and I said . . . .uh, sure! I didn’t even KNOW what a t-shirt quilt was but thought, what the heck, I’ll give it a shot.

Since then, I’ve done multiple t-shirt quilts and now I can practically do them in my sleep!

Here’s a gallery of some I’ve made! Enjoy!

Log Cabin Quilts

The very first quilts I ever made were Log Cabin quilts.  I was astonished at the response others had when they saw my first quilt!  I had NO CLUE what a Log Cabin quilt was and what they intended with the pattern.  The specs the teacher gave me was buy 3 dark patterns and 3 light patterns, borders, etc.  I believe their exact words were “the bolder the pattern the better!” That was like music to my ears! So I picked some great patterns and went to class!

Class (Quilt 101) was four separate Monday nights.  Just by the name of the class, Quilt 101, I assumed this was a beginning quilters class! But come to find out, every one in the class had previous quilting experience.  Wha???  Why are they taking a 101 class then?  (I never did figure that one out, btws!)

And, well, as hard as it is to believe, there were some people in the class who were not very nice to me.  I’m not sure if is because I asked too many questions (which since they already knew about quilting, they already knew the answer) or if they were just your standard unfriendly types, but it nearly made me quit the class two weeks in a row!

But I figured I paid my money just like they did.  I may not have as much experience as they did but I had the desire to learn to quilt and the class was a 101 level class, so if they’re experienced quilters coming to a beginning quilters class so they can feel smart about themselves and their own abilities, then they must need a pat on the head or something to shore up their self esteem.  I started messing with a couple of them, or rather complimenting them for already knowing what I was just learning since this is a 101 class . . . .   I think it only took a couple of compliments for them to back off, and I got to enjoy the rest of the class.

Here are the Log Cabin quilts I made during and after my class.

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